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A New Way To Treat Hair Loss

Stem cells have the “self-duplication capability,” a function to divide and make copies of themselves, and the “differentiation capability,” which is a function to make various types of cells.

Anti Hair Loss 

(Made in Japan)

Intensive Reactive Serum/Treatment Shampoo
(For Men Only)

(Made in Japan)

Intensive Reactive Serum/Treatment Shampoo
(For Women Only)

(Made in Japan)

Intensive Anti-Hair Loss Oral Supplement 
(For Men Only)

(Made in Japan)

Intensive Anti-Hair Loss Oral Supplement
(For Women Only)

(Made in Japan)

Anti Grey Hair

Like a TIME MACHINE for your hair

Anti-Grey Hair
Oral Supplement

Anti-Grey Hair Treatment Serum

Anti-Grey Hair Treatment Shampoo
(For Men Only)

Anti-Grey Hair Treatment Shampoo
(For Women Only)

Scalp Health Series

Feast on Good Scalp Bacteria, Overpower the Bad Bacteria

Soothing Hair and Scalp Serum

Soothing Shampoo for Normal to Dry Hair

Soothing Shampoo for Oily Hair

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair follicles undergo cycles of degeneration and regeneration. These are divided into different stages…

Stem Cells And The Hair Scalp

Stem cells renew and aid the regeneration of all other cells in the body – including those of the skin, nails and hair. These regenerated cells are called adult stem cells. They reside in some adult tissues only…

A New Way To Treat Hair Loss

Today, strong evidence demonstrate that the hair bulge forms a reservoir of epidermal stem cells. The dermal papilla not only regulates hair follicle development and growth; it is also thought to be a reservoir of multi-stem cell lineages…


TRICHODERM®Black Series Hair Treatment is an innovative hair products that can be injected directly into the hair follicles without the need for syringe injection…

Stem Cells And The Hair Scalp

A New Way To Treat Hair Loss

Today, strong evidence demonstrate that the hair bulge forms a reservoir of epidermal stem cells. The dermal papilla not only regulates hair follicle development and growth; it is also thought to be a reservoir of multi-stem cell lineages.

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